Loving Kindness



By Stephanie Smith

The Loving Kindness Meditation is a great universal meditation of love that can be practiced by all ages. There are many variations on this meditation, which is done to bring kindness towards yourself and the universe. It’s one of the few meditations that is done towards others--most mantras and meditations are supposed to be done for yourself and your own needs at the time. 

Below is the “Rise + Vibe” version, i.e. the version learned and taught by Chrissy Lefavour to her students (including me!)

The lines of the actual mediation are:

May ____ be filled with loving kindness

May ____ be peaceful and at ease

May ____ be well

May ____ know happiness and the roots of all happiness.

Typically, you recite this mantra four times. The first time you say it, fill in the blank with the name of someone you love (i.e “May John be filled with loving kindness, May John be peaceful and at ease, etc.”). The second time around, fill in with someone who taught you something. It could be an elder or a loved one you admire. 

The third time around, use the name of someone with whom you might have a prickly relationship with, or experience some conflict with. This could be your husband, or a boss, or say, that person that cut you off in traffic. 

Finally for the last round, name a person for whom you feel neutral about, having neither extremely good or bad feelings for. Maybe it’s a neighbor, or a person you see daily that could use some good vibes in their life. 

There are many types of the Loving Mediation to be found on the internet and from various teachers, some longer and with various scripts. But I love this version because it’s a perfect length for kids to learn as well. Maybe try this meditation together with your kids at the start of the school day to bring some good vibes to family and schoolmates.