Light Visualization

Please enjoy this meditation hosted by Ellie Schiappa! You can catch her classes weekly LIVE or in the on-demand library… Om shanti shanti shanti

In times of darkness, the one thing that brings me solace & warmth is light. The sun’s rays, the glow from a full moon, or even the sparkle of holiday lights – light brings me peace, happiness, and acts as a reminder that everything will be alright. This year, the darkness seemed to lay heavier than before. In my work from home life, I would look out my window only to realize the sun had already set and I hadn’t even left my house. The gray days of early winter dragged by, and with no place to go I felt as if I was fixated on it. It was as if I had nothing to do but complain about the cloudy, early nights in Vermont. But last week, we had a glimmer of hope. The Winter Solstice, which literally means “sun standing still”. Maybe the shortest day of the year, but a day that represents hope and change. The days will become longer, and the sunset will come later. Every day, the sun will shine down on us for a little longer than it did the day before. It has been said time and time again 2020 has been a long year, and some days it felt as if the whole world was standing still. But the Solstice is a reminder that it is not, that although life on Earth slowed down, the Earth herself is still spinning, and the sun is still shining. Hard times will to pass – and a new cycle of hope will begin.


This visualization is for all of those that feel stuck and as if the darkness has pervaded in these literal, and figurative, dark days. In days that is hard to find the physical light, we can be our own light. We have the light within us – and it is our duty to allow that light to shine on ourselves and those around us.  Find a comfortable seat, maybe that is upright, with your legs up the wall, or just lying in svasana. I invite you to listen to my voice as I guide you in finding that light, and allow this light to surround you and protect you.


The light in me, honors the light in you – Namaste.